Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Highlights from the Third Baptist Team

This is our third day on site, and the testimony of the Third Baptist Team from Saint Louis, MO, is “What a blessing this is, serving the Lord together, using our different gifts at different levels of ability and strength.” We are young and we are mature, we are male and we are female, we are expert and we are novice, and it works together for the glory of God and the blessing of the people. We have been very impressed with the entire organization of the project this year. The Baptist Blitz has made this endeavor a praise-worthy event all around.

A highlight has been getting to hammer nails side-by-side with our homeowner, Madelyn. And the young adults from Americorp have been a great boost to our “older” team of workers. These young men and women who give of their lives in service to their country have inspired hope in us and have been an encouragement beyond words. Thanks also to the Salvation Army for GREAT lunches!! The support from various partners has been phenomenal.

It is a privilege to help build this neighborhood and to realize that God is using our hands and hearts to help construct part of the infrastructure of a real community. This is our second year as a church Habitat team (we brought down 12 willing people) and we would like to encourage others to promote this great ministry in your congregations. There are still many homes planned for construction here in Baton Rouge. Won’t you join us?

Dr. Warren Hoffman, Senior Pastor
Third Baptist Church, Saint Louis, MO

The Third Day……..we feel like we have accomplished so much…….but so much to do. We are building a stick house this year………one board at a time. The home will be four bedrooms for Maddie and her three children.

Maddie put in the first nail and lots more. That girl is there on the ladder and wherever she is needed. She also has a great spirit and is so thankful for this opportunity for her family. She is a joy to work with.

Half of the good time here is working with our people and learning to know others. There is a great group of young people who are with the Americorp…..a great group of young people.

Greetings from Baton Rouge!!
Bonnie Mc Daniel,
Member of Third Baptist Church, St. Louis

I am from St. Louis , Mo. Third Baptist and they say you’re never too old, so at 83 I decided to do something I always wanted to do. I am so glad I did. The good Lord willing I will do it again next year- I loved it.

Betty James

1 comment:

DanW said...


Don't step on any nails, remember, that when you pick up a nail, if it is pointing up, it is a roofing nail, if it is pointing down, it is for the flooring, if it is sideways, follow the point to the appropriate wall.

From an old shop teacher- Brother Dan

PS: God's blessings on you and your group as well as the recipients of your labors. Praise the Lord for volunteers!